5. Hyperbole: Thoughts and Feelings, The Party

A. Throughout this chapter Allie becomes frustrated and irritable with seemingly little things in her environment. How is this behavior consistent with depression? What are some of the thoughts that struck you?

B. In this chapter, Allie has a post-surgery plan to get to the birthday party. When she executes this plan, her mother does not understand her behavior. Was her behavior understandable? Why or why not? how might this situation have been handled differently?


  1. Thoughts and Feelings:
    I think that this behavior is consistent with depression because depression is a mood disorder where all of the persons moods are different from what they are used to. Some thoughts that struck me were that from my perspective it seems very strange for someone to get annoyed with where is vehicle is parked and wanting it to move because you're consciously telling it to. Also, for someone to get angry at someone for asking if they could use the empty chairs at their table. But I can see how those could happen in the mind of someone with depression.
    The Party:
    I think that her behavior was understandable because her mother gave her false hope going into the surgery so she would have the surgery without arguing. Then after the surgery her mother didn’t even let her try out her plan, she just shut her down without even thinking about it. I can understand why the mother did that, but the child couldn’t understand it and the only way for her to understand would be for her to fail at her plan. It could have been handled differently by the mother not giving the child false hope before surgery or by her allowing her to try doing her plan to show her that she was not capable of going to the party.

    1. " it seems very strange for someone to get annoyed with where is vehicle is parked and wanting it to move because you're consciously telling it to. Also, for someone to get angry at someone for asking if they could use the empty chairs at their table." I find this intriguing. I find it interesting that you directly relate it to depression because I am not depressed, but i get annoyed with those same little things too! I think it is a part of human nature.

  2. Thoughts and Feelings: Frustration and irritability is consistent with symptoms of depression when they relate to negative thoughts about oneself. In the DSM 5 it states that in children and adolescents irritability tends to be one of the moods seen and not just excessive sadness. Some thoughts that came to me while reading this was that it's relatable at times. Especially when you expect something to happen and it doesn't, it's disappointing but I guess the big piece is being able to accept that things happen and be flexible about the change of plans. When already depressed though I can see how this would be like the cherry on top but in a bad one. You know that one more thing that's sets you over the edge. Not only is she frustrated and irritable she also states that she is pointless and helpless, more feelings of depression.
    The Party: First of all the answer should have been a straight forward yes or no. If she said yes before scheduling the surgery then she shouldn't have planned the surgery for that day. I think it could have been handled a little differently and not in a restaurant. This mom seems to have very inconsistent rules and/or discipline. Like she told her no, her daughter made a scene, so she gave in and said yes. That is literally teaching her nothing and its going to come bac and bite her in the butt. Her behavior made sense to me, its like getting her hopes up and trying to do what she can to make it happen and then being shut down like that.

    1. I agree that Allie's behavior was somewhat justified. Her mother has said yes before the surgery and got her hopes up. She did not give Allie an explanation as to why she could no longer go after the surgery until they were in the restaurant. But even then, she should have given a better explanation, like explain to Allie that the medication's effects hadn't worn off yet instead of just saying "Look at you. You can't even walk. You can't form a coherent sentence." (pg 325). Allie didn't understand why her mom was now saying no. Also, I like when you said, "This mom seems to have very inconsistent rules and/or discipline. Like she told her no, her daughter made a scene, so she gave in and said yes. That is literally teaching her nothing and its going to come back and bite her in the butt." I agree! Her mom is confusing her by changing her mind and teaching her that it is okay to act this way because eventually it will make her mom cave, and Allie will get what she wanted.

  3. "I seem to spend a lot of time being mildly disappointed by things that aren't actually disappointing." People who experience depression either know why or have no idea why they are experiencing depression. Depression is a brain disorder, not something you can switch on and off, your brain switches it on and off when it pleases. I think this is a major factor in why an individual could get frustrated and irritable. Frustrated and irritable are commonly experienced symptoms with every day life. If you drop your food, don't understand what someone is trying to say, or the day is not going to plan, you get frustrated and irritable. These symptoms are just exemplified with depression because you feel as though you fell in a hole you can't get out of and that is frustrating.

    I feel that both the mom and Allie were in the wrong with communication. Allie was explaining and going over her plan in her head, that by the time she was ready to tell her mom, it was too late. And her mom didn't take the time to realize it was her daughter trying to communicate versus her mom thinking it was just the drugs making her crazy. A lot of people are misunderstood every single day, but it i the context of the misunderstanding which will change he outcome.

  4. I think this behavior is consistent with depression for the fact that no one chooses to be depressed. People don't wake up one day and decide for the rest of their lives that they are going to be depressed. I think the part where she talks about "reality should know my plans. It should know when I'm not expecting to deal with the unexpected, even if it isn't very unexpected. The first thing I thought of was when an individual with depression would be angry, upset or or irritable because the "world" or the people around them didn't understand what they were thinking in their head without speaking it aloud. Feeling frustrated and irritable are common experienced emotions for anyone whether they have depression or not.

    I think that the mom could have simply given Allie a yes or no answer. Instead she gave her a maybe which gave Allie hope, hence the plan to go to the party. The mom and Allie both did a terrible job at communication. Everyday people are misunderstood but I think the mom should have tried to understand what Allie was saying to her or taken the time to put the pieces of hints she was giving out. The mom should have just brought Allie home; instead she took her to get food which is understandable what see what happened. People around them didn't know what was actually happening so they assumed the worse. Overall the situation could have been handled differently.

    1. "I think this behavior is consistent with depression for the fact that no one chooses to be depressed." I like how you added that this behavior is consistent with depression. I think it is important that you specified this scenario to depression, but did not generalize those symptoms to depression. I think everyone has these behaviors, but not everyone is depressed. It is important to look at specific details.

  5. Thoughts and Feelings:
    I think that feelings of frustration and irritability are consistent with depression. However, I think that they are also normal human reactions that everyone feels probably on a regular basis. I myself have a short temper and sometimes get upset over small things, but I don't always know why it upset me. So I can relate to Allie in that sense. Sometimes things that can't be changed irritate me, such as unfavorable weather. Or I get frustrated if things don't go according to how I planned them out in my head. But I am not depressed. So, while someone with depression may experience these feelings, someone without depression may as well.

    The Party:
    I think that the mother should have explained to Allie that she needed to rest and let the medication from the surgery wear off. I think Allie's behavior is somewhat understandable because her mother told her she could go to the park to prove she was alright to attend the party. Then after surgery, her mom forgot about that deal, but Allie did not and was trying to communicate while still slightly impaired from the medication. I know for myself, I have had multiple surgical procedures with anesthetic and it took a long time for the effects to wear off once I woke up. I have said things to my mom after waking up that I do not remember. After one procedure, I didn't remember speaking to the doctor or how I got home. Allie was a lot younger than I was, and her mom should have explained that the medication hadn't worn off yet instead of telling her no without much of an explanation.

    1. Alexis, you make solid points with both examples. I felt the same way. For Thoughts and Feelings, it's hard to say that just from being frustrated and irritably means that you are suffering from depression because its a issue that everyone suffers from. Everyone has a day when the smallest thing really ticks them off. You can be depressed or not and still feel this.
      As for The Party, I like how you made your own connection with a personal story. I thought it made your point a lot stronger and therefore, I have to agree with you again.

  6. Thoughts and Feelings:
    Frustration and irritability are a normal human reaction, but I can see how it can be linked to depression. Like others, small things irritate me at times and I don't know why I am triggered by them. So when reading this, I could totally relate. This does not mean I am suffering from depression, but I can relate to someone who is. Someone who is suffering from depression is bound to be frustrated and irritated because they just don't know why, but its just there picking at them. So I definitely relate to Allie.

    The Party:
    The mom should have explained to Allie why she said no. Allie's behavior is understandable because one, she took medication and two, her mother told her she could go to the park to prove she was alright to attend the party. Well apparently the mom forgot and that's understandable too, but Allie did not and when her mother told her no with no explanation, that's not right. This is a lot of miscommunication.


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